Breast Cancer Awareness month - Day 17

Day 17. How often are people living with metastatic breast cancer scanned?
Usually we are scanned every 3 months; if metastases remain stable or shrink, scans may be done less frequently (eg every 6 months).

As discussed yesterday, I have been scanned less often than that because I've done very well on treatment.

Shout out to the technician who told me about the Koolaid-like contrast drink, instead of the chalky, chokey stuff! My first scan with contrast was the same day I had my portacath put in and I had been told "no food"...but it wasn't specified whether that was for both procedures or just the portacath (it was just the portacath, turns out, because of the anesthesia), so I showed up for the scan not having eaten for about 16 hours.  
Two lessons learned that day: Don't drink the chalky contrast drink on an empty stomach and the burgers in the diner at General Hospital are really good!


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