Breast Cancer Awareness month - Day 12

Day 12. How much is spent on research funding for metastatic breast cancer?
Shockingly, a very small percentage (estimated at less than 5%) is spent on studying the process of metastasis and why and how cancer spreads, even though metastasis is what causes breast cancer to become a deadly disease.

And this is why I find the pink craze so hard to take...billions have been raised for awareness, which is great, but so very little has been spent to find out how to keep us alive. NFL players wearing pink gloves make everyone feel good, but it doesn't do me any good. The most frustrating part is that a lot of people just don't get it. The mammogram doesn't guarantee a happy ending...I got mammograms and while I expect my ending to be a long time in the future, it won't be a happy one.

(I'm ok!)


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