From the archives
It was a great weekend! It was a busy weekend! As such, I have no photos ready for today! Friday night was Riverfest and the Food Truck Rally. Kimchi tacos...had them and don't need to again. I tried to get something unusual for me - cheesesteak and burgers are easily available anywhere and I have no desire for fish tacos (I had a salmon omelette once. Gag.). The kimchi wasn't bad, but it was odd. And now I know! Rick Koval was there with some snakes and the music was great, too! Add to that my work daughter stopping by, and my real life son & daughter-in-law being sprung from work early and also coming down and it was a really fun evening. And it got better! We ended it by visiting the kittens...3 weeks old and starting to go in all directions at once! Once they all figure out how to escape the box, neighbor is in trouble!
Saturday was Savage Race - totally slipped my mind, and because my son and daughter-in-law were participating and we had committed to going with them, I skipped Riverfest on Saturday. Instead, I spent the day with loads of very in-shape people who paid good money to climb things and crawl through mud! Just watching wore me out and a 2 hour nap happened when we got home. Then kittens again! Yay!
I spent yesterday planting flowers at the CYC, followed by a birthday party for my neighbor's dog. Don't judge...he turned 18! There was food so I didn't have to cook...WIN! Plus, party hats! Double win!
I am so thankful that I feel good enough to do all these things. It makes my plan to 'keep on keeping on" a whole lot easier to accomplish :)
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