A missed anniversary

Because I'm not working, my days run together and dates get lost. Thank goodness for my phone and Google calendar! I get reminders of appointments, birthdays and important dates. It missed one, though, the main reason being it's not a date I have on my Google calendar and also because it's not a date burned into my brain. I only thought of it because a fellow metster on facebook mentioned her "metsterversary" - she's had 5 years since her diagnosis! Bravo!

Yesterday was 2 years since diagnosis/first visit with oncologist for me. The day passed like all others. I have had a very easy two years, with very few side effects, very little pain (arthritic, I think), no hair loss. Other than my lung being shot, I'm good! My doctor has this quality of life thing down!

When I hit 5 years, we'll party.


  1. I'm very thankful for the last two years and I'll be aware today with gratitide that I still have you. AND I'm grateful for your doctor's choices, as well.


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