Rained in

Some color today because the forecast is for gray and rain all day. YAY! I've spoken before about "inside guilt" - staying inside on a nice day and just vegging - because soon the weather isn't going to allow me to be outside in capris and a tank top. The whole "making hay" mentality, you know? I am thrilled I feel so good that I don't have days where I can't do anything, believe me! I just need a lazy day sometimes and this weather is the perfect excuse.

Ex-husband is selling the house and the kids have been bringing boxes of photos and saved artwork for me to go through, so today may be the day I actually start! I have loads of Mod Podge and ideas for saving some of it for the kids...a preliminary rifle through one box yielded some treasures that shouldn't be forgotten, like:

"Dear Grandma & Grandpa,
Thank you for the Darth Vader bank. I only wish I had money to put in it.
Love, B"

There will be much laughter today!


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