My rose-colored glasses need a stronger prescription

There's a story in the paper today about a local pizza place delivering pizza to local shelters. If we want to get technical, they aren't donating it, because customers pay for it - the customers are donating. It's good and kind and something that makes you feel good reading about it.

Unless you are one of the Negative Nancys that are so prolific in this area. The very first comment on the story was a negative one. Out of 10 comments (at the moment), only one was positive.

Is it just this area? I was still pretty young (and busy with babies) when we left Michigan, so I can't offer an opinion on that. I've heard other people talk about the valley, and life outside it, though and I think it is a mindset that is pretty prevalent here and not so much in other places.

I'm going to assume that the positive people are out doing nice things for other people and don't have time to post comments on a website.
The glasses still work, but sometimes I need to squint to make it happen.


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