Easily distracted by cows
Several weeks ago, some black and white lambs were born and boy, were they adorable! But real life happened and I didn't get down to see them while they were still tiny and bouncy. They are still cute (photo below) but they grow fast! Luckily, this lamb (above) was born over the weekend, so we did get to see tiny! Baby stayed close to mom, though...it will be a few more days until it gets brave enough (big enough? old enough?) to bounce around the pasture. I will turn to YouTube to get my bouncy fix.
We arrived a few minutes before friend got home from work and I restrained myself from going into the pasture without permission - trust me, there were places along the fence that I could get over and I was sorely tempted! But I thought best to wait for permission. Which I got, when friend got home. But before I went in, she asked if I wanted to see the cattle. YES, PLEASE!
And I got so wrapped up talking to the steers that any thought of sheep (or pictures of cattle!) went out of my head. Sorry, sheep!
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