I'm that person who reads instruction manuals and handbooks
Not a whole lot on my mind today. It looks like it's going to be a bit showery all week, so I probably won't get out much. I do get to call my former insurance company and nudge them on a claim from December. Always a joy.
I spoke to my new insurance company yesterday about having my oncologist be my PCP. The handbook says that if one has a disease or condition that will worsen over time, one may be able to have the specialist as a PCP (page 16). That was news to the customer service rep. She said the PCP is the one you see when you have a cold, for example. I explained that my oncologist is the one I would call with any health concern, because at this point, all of them stem from the cancer and/or side effects of treatment. I see my current PCP once a year, so he can order blood work for cholesterol checks. I am not someone who runs to the doctor for a cold. I am not someone who normally gets a cold. If I do, it's because treatment has lowered my WBC, so....oncologist.
She looked into it and was able to find out the procedure for doing so. I see him next week and will get the ball rolling on that.
This being "sick" is a full time job, when it comes to dealing with insurance companies!
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