Yadda, yadda, yadda

I have no thoughts more than two sentences long in my head today. It might be the heat.

I'm not sure I can stand 3 more months of Donald Trump's word salads. So many words and so little said. (Is anything said?)

I'm probably a horrible person for feeling this way, but Shannen Doherty's suddenly publicized breast cancer fight seems more like a ploy for attention than an attempt to educate.

Ice cream sandwiches are perfect. The regular ones, not jacked up flavors like mint or neapolitan.

I feel the same way about Kit Kats and Hershey's Kisses. The originals are the best - stop messing them up with whackadoodle flavors.

Keeping with the same theme for a second, I remember when Nacho Cheese Doritos was the only flavor.

Same with Gatorade and the sickly greenish yellow flavor.

I can't believe it's August already - it is almost a year since my lung episode that made me decide to stop working. I think time does pass faster as one ages.

That Christmas project I hope to accomplish will be lots of fun with Allen & Larry around (ok, only Larry - he's bold).


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