Rained out

Saturday was a wash out and it was much needed. We've gotten to the point where even the drought-resistant weeds are crispy brown. The dogs were scheduled to go get a rabies shot and microchipped and I thought we were in the clear because the downpours had given way to a steady drizzle here in Kingston.  Turns out we somehow beat the downpours over to Wilkes-Barre. I got soaked running from the car to the building (by running I mean walking fastish) - thought about an umbrella but left it at home because it wasn't raining hard (at home). *sigh* It is no fun being soaking wet in a nicely air conditioned space. But the chipping is done, yay! Murphy has always been the one to bolt if given the opportunity. He always comes back, but only after he's done seeing what he went to see. The chip may come in handy with him.

More rain is expected and I'm looking forward to it...it's much easier to stay inside and goof off! I've started thinking about Christmas gifts (I'm making them) and the time inside will be well spent.


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