What's the big hurry?

I was sitting at a light the other day and watched 2 cars make the left after the turn arrow had expired. I'm talking the light was red when they entered the intersection. They must be very important people with very important things to do!  And then the opposing traffic, who has the right of way at that point, guns it at the light to make a point to the turners, obviously oblivious to how very important the turners are, duh.

Also fun is driving on Market Street, where the stoplights are set up so that you hit. every. single. light. The very important people hate being behind anyone that coasts to a red light instead of stopping at the very last second (because maybe the light will change by the time one gets to the intersection), which means they hate being behind me. Pardon me for not getting up to 35 mph for the 10 feet before having to stop at the next red light.

On the same day that the very important people made it through the left turn without being hit by the opposing traffic, I was merging onto the Cross Valley and watched in my rear view mirror as the girl in the Mini-Cooper behind me (it's not a tank, honey, and you won't win against most cars) decided to try and squeeze between me and the car that was letting me in. That car was having none of that (and I kinda get that - merge in turns!) and suddenly the Mini is shooting across the right lane behind the person that let me in and into the left, cutting off  the car that was passing at about 65 mph. I then watched the Mini weave through several lane changes before I got off at the next exit.

None of this is unusual. I don't remember it always being like this, but maybe it has been and I never paid attention. All I know is that I just don't get the "must beat everyone else" mentality - more often than not, the person who so recklessly had to get around that other car, gets one or two car lengths ahead and we all come together at the next stoplight. Endangering us all for the third spot in line instead of fourth at a traffic light is so totally worth it, I guess.


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