The starter pack

Allen Iverson

I could very easily become a crazy cat lady. Allen is my little man, my guy and I'm pretty sure he thinks his name is Allen You're So Handsome. He's been with me for 3 years now, filling a void left by the death of my 17 year old Tia.

Larry Bird
And then there's Larry. It's been a rocky start with him. He lived with 2 kids under 3 years old for the first nine months of his life. He's not too sure about hands yet, but can be a real cuddlebug when he wants to be. My hands have been scratch-free for a week now, for the first time since he came to live with us in Aprl. For someone on a blood thinner and with lower WBC than normal, he may not be the ideal cat and there have been times when I've considered rehoming him. Problem is, I like him.

So, we have these two. It's good, right?
Unless I see a siamese available for adoption...then the herd will grow :)


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