The original Mrs. K shoots the new Mrs. K!

I did my first wedding over the weekend! My ex-husband got married and I was the "official" photographer. I probably won't do a wedding again, as I have zero patience for little kids that are not related to me and I am really no good at staying out late (we left at 9:30 or so). Plus, the pressure of what if they look like crap?! - although that is all in my head, I think. There were so many phones out taking pictures that I think we're covered, photo-wise. Some of the phones now take better pictures than some cameras!

It was wonderful to have together all of the kids who are related to me, but in the excitement, I didn't get a picture of just the 4 of them together! Gah!  There are shots of them with dad, and with me, but I don't want to be in the picture!

Anyhow, I'll be working on getting photos uploaded to an online album today - how far we've come from days of negatives and film being the only option!


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