A walk in the park

I took advantage of the nice weather and sunshine yesterday to walk over to Kirby Park. I didn't expect to see much because I thought the cherry blossoms had probably bloomed. At most, I hoped to check out the work being done on trees throughout the park. Rumor had it a big tree by the pavilion was taken down (it was). I was pleasantly surprised to find flowers still on the trees around the pond!

Also at the pond, a pair of mallards who must be from out of town, as they didn't fly away as soon as they saw me. (They did swim away.)

I stood under the cherry trees, which, because of the weeping characteristic of them, was like being inside of them, and a pretty aroma  was noticeable. There was also a hum that was made by the bees - they were all over the trees!

I saw no sign of a wood duck or an eagle's nest that other people have posted photos of on facebook. In years past, I may have pursued it, but yesterday, I was content with the peaceful pretty at the park.


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