If I have to choose a side, I'll take the bright one

I was reminded yesterday, how easy this cancer journey has been for me so far. I was having a(n online) conversation with a woman who is also metastatic. She has done the mastectomy and debilitating chemos, dealt with bad side effects and pain (and is still dealing with), was close to death several months ago...and is now dealing with another treatment related setback that has temporarily stopped her current treatment.

And she remains positive through it all! It was so refreshing to find someone who isn't blasting angry all over the place! She said she doesn't want her legacy to be a negative one and I so agree!

I have this condition. It sucks. It will probably suck more as time goes on. But being negative about it isn't going to change things. I can better use that energy enjoying what time I have, which is hopefully a good long bit of it :)


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