Well *that* was a hoot!


Day 1 of unemployment was a day out catching up with old friends and enjoying almost spring-like temps. Loved it! Fair warning...the following is hokey and fluffy :)

I swung by my landlord's office and visited with him for a bit. I am his favorite tenant - I tell him every time I see him! Almost time to renew my lease and when he asked if I was staying and I said yes, the sound he made could qualify as a squeal of delight*. There may have even been jazz-hands involved.** Oh, yeah, joy spread.

Next up, the courthouse, where I proceeded to spread sunshine and freshly baked peanut butter cookies in my favorite office there. Other than the work I did for the county, they are what I miss most. Always a joy to see them and I know they enjoy my visits (I am saving that text message forever, LJP! You are turning warm and fuzzy in your older age! Bwahahaha!).

Snapped the photo above on my way home. I don't think I can properly convey, with words only, how magnificent I think this river is. Yes, it's muddy and can be smelly and can destroy the valley if it breaches the dike (again). But when I look down on it from the bank or a bridge, and the water is sparkling with sunlight? It can be breathtakingly beautiful.***

And then it was home to a visit from daughter and the dogs, which was a really nice way to end the day. They will be leaving to move south soon and so any time spent now is especially appreciated and enjoyed.

Now, if you're still reading this, thank you and I hope you find something a tad more exciting than my ramblings to fill your time, because if you read this far, you must be hard up for fun, I think :)

*it wasn't a groan. It was too high-pitched to be a groan so I am totally going with squeal.

**I really lucked out when I got this place and this landlord. He's great, the maintenance guys are great and I love it here.

***The only time I found it ugly is when it *was* ready to breach the dike. It looked angry and just not pretty at all.


  1. So I'm guessing this isn't your landlord? http://FunnyOrDie.com/m/22 #TheLandlord

  2. She's a tough cookie!
    Now I almost want to make him yell at me to see if he is as cute as she is when demanding money :)

  3. What a lovely scene, especially with the light hitting the water like that :) How nice to have a surprise few days off :)


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