Jeepers, creepers!


Day 2 of unemployment week took me to Kirby Park because the weather is being very un-December-like (yay!). The tree clinging birds were out in force and I was thrilled! I could hear the birds tapping away on the trees and the red bellied woodpecker above was the first one I saw. There was actually a pair of these large woodpeckers and since I rarely saw them at my feeders, I was really excited to see them. Normally much more shy than a downy woodpecker, they didn't seem too concerned with me. Hard to get a clear shot, though, as they kept moving and branches.


Next up was a little downy woodpecker. This is a female (no red cap) and in my experience, they tend to be less shy than the males. I was able to get right under her while she dug into the bark. This is a common woodpecker, but no less exciting to me. My first real "subjects" when I started playing with a camera (other than my kids) were the birds at my feeders and it just makes me happy to see most birds. The downies always made me smile.


The last clinger I saw was a (white breasted) nuthatch. I absolutely love these birds! They make a funny little nasally squeaking noise as they hop up and down the tree. I hear them on most of my walks, as they are a common little bird, but they can be hard to spot. They go up and down, upside down and right side up and around the tree. Very active little things!

So, two days into my time off and I have accomplished no chores whatsoever. I have had some very nice time outside. Since my new job is inside, and real December-like weather is bound to be here eventually, I'll just suck it up and gallivant the days away while the weather holds.


Red bellied woodpecker

Downy woodpecker



  1. Unemployment seems to agree with you, at least until the rent is due. :)

  2. I know, right? If only I could make a living being unemployed! Ha!

  3. Nice post! I love woodpeckers as well and I think they are fascinating birds. You took some nice shots of them. And as you said in your post, they can be tricky to photograph but looks like you did a nice job of it!

  4. Thanks! It is never any less thrilling to see them than it was the first time :)


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