Buckle up! We's goin' for a ride!
I mentioned a new computer a few weeks back. I may have also mentioned being a very prolific photo-snapper.
I have shot a lot since I really started playing with a camera seven years ago. A LOT. Transferring files from computers to clouds to computers to removable drives has consumed some time (and still is) and I've had a nice trip down memory lane. I look at the pictures and can't believe that so much time has passed. For the most part, it's been good - I really think I lead a charmed life. I've been afforded some wonderful opportunities to see things that I wouldn't have seen had I not been in a certain place at a certain time. And because I was in a certain place at a certain time, I was eventually dealt a blow that, at the time, I wasn't sure I would get through. But I did, because we do. Getting through it changed what I turned the camera toward and my focus, no pun intended. New opportunities.
Does this have anything to do with the red building? Only that this was shot during an opportunity. Hamilton, NY, November 2010, heritage breeds conference. I snuck out the first evening to explore a bit because there was a lot to explore! I love the texture and wear of the paint on the wood, and the missing grid in the window.
It was also the first time I saw Highland cattle. So exciting!
I'm toying with a "365" approach to this space for 2014 - taking at least one photo a day with camera or phone and posting it. That may be a nice challenge that makes me look at things I might not consider shooting. (Or it will be 360 pictures of my cat and 5 random shots, ha!) Until then, what you'll probably see in this space is mostly old stuff, with some new sprinkled in. A trip down memory lane, yay!
TL,DR...stuff above is from the archives. Will be using archives a lot in the next few months before you are subjected to photos of Allen being cute and/or disdainful.
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