I haven't taken a good photo in months. I haven't felt very motivated about much of anything lately. I understand now that the more-than-usual health stuff has a lot to do with it and it should get better as I get further into this treatment. That's my hope, anyway. I still don't know how I'm going to react to this treatment...I've felt like crap but the ascites have a lot to do with that, I think. After weekly paracentisis since mid-September and 2 rounds of chemo, that seems to be getting better. So from here on out, I should have a better idea of what to expect.
My favorite (not) side effect so far? Delayed nausea. Yeah, that's a thing! Anywhere from 3-7 days post treatment. I have pills for it but the delayed part is what makes it fun! Who knows when it's going to hit? I've actually looked into buying barf bags to carry with me. Neat, huh?
I will likely get to be on this treatment for well, forever or until it stops working. The ovarian cancer doesn't behave as well as we'd hoped it would without treatment so we have to stay on top of it.
I'm happy we have a plan, the doctor is confident it will work and I believe him. It's just that after 3 years of my breast cancer not being a huge issue that I had to think about everyday past a pill in the morning, the ovarian seems more serious and I'm gonna say it...scary. It's made me feel sick and I don't like that.
So my hope is I adjust well to this chemo and start to feel better and more like doing things. I want to want to be out with the camera. I want to be out.
Fingers crossed.
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